Here’s another inspirational story of a guy with PD who runs seven days a week for a total of 40 miles. He also runs up mountains. And enters marathons.
His name is Doug Rasmussen. He’s 59 years old. And he lives in Hawaii, which is motivation a-plenty to run outdoors. He was diagnosed with Parkinson’s a few years ago, and the daily exercise is keeping the symptoms at bay.
Choice, pithy quote:
Parkinson’s disease likely won’t let up, and neither will he.
Doug is also 6 feet tall and weighs 135 pounds…must be all that running. I’d love to know what he eats.
Click on the link above to read more, and to refresh your memory, read my earlier blog post about a similar guy-with-PD-who-runs.
Then lace up your sneakers and head to the nearest gym/running trail/dance hall/swimming pool.