No, I don’t mean what you may be smoking at night, nor the famous, if mediocre, American beer. I write today to announce that the Michael J Fox Foundation has an online buddy support group that can hook you up with people who share your interests.
It’s rather like Match.com, which is how I met my husband almost two decades ago. You upload a picture, fill in some information about your hobbies and other aspects of your life, state what you’re looking for in a buddy, then turn yourself loose on the site’s many enticing options and activities. With 5756 current users, it’s a rather big community. Plus you have the added benefits of gaining access to the many Fox Foundation publications, and hearing about upcoming webinars.
There are even subgroups within the larger group, some of which focus on being newly diagnosed, or serving as a care partner, or being Young Onset.
So join the club! The official description: The Parkinson’s Buddy Network is an online community of people impacted by Parkinson’s — those living with the disease, their loved ones and caregivers. The platform was designed to help you make meaningful connections, engage in important dialogue, find useful resources and build long-lasting relationships.