As a person with Parkinson’s disease, I suffered a setback once the Covid-19 pandemic hit, and both my gym and my town’s terrific indoor swimming pool closed. Ditto the ping-pong hall nearby, which had weekly group sessions for people with PD as well as private coaching.
My gym is still closed but I can’t see returning there if it reopens, as I don’t believe it will be safe even if I wear a mask.
What to do? Here’s what:
1. Spin Bike

With the money I’m not putting into my gym membership, I bought a spin bike. I use it three to four times a week, usually for an hour and pedaling at a cadence of over 100 rpm. Last week I pushed myself hard and at one point was pedaling at 160 rpm! I feel especially upbeat after a session like that.
2. Run or Walk Outside

The path you see behind me is part of the old Croton Aqueduct Trail. An actual aqueduct was here that brought water forty miles from the Croton Reservoir to Manhattan in the mid-1800s. This part of the path is just a few hundred yards from my house. I see a few people when I walk or run on it, plus deer and turkeys.
3. Exercise at Home

If one picture is worth a thousand words, here’s three thousand. Note: I can now maintain these and other poses for indefinite amounts of time.

4. Resume Private Ping-Pong Lessons
Tuesdays from 6:00 – 7:00! Guaranteed 6 feet social distancing!