Here is my desk, and in the foreground you can see three pill bottles. I’ve been taking pills from bottles like these for over a decade now, and could never figure out why the the bottle caps are shaped the way they are. Recently, when picking up some more pills at my pharmacy (Walgreens), I asked the pharmacist why the white caps had this weird construction. She replied that she didn’t know, and suggested I ask a different pharmacist the next time I came in. So I did.
To heighten the suspense for Parkingsuns viewers, the next picture shows only that I know how to unscrew and open the pill bottles.
Scroll down for the answer to my question.
. the
. next
. time
. I
. went
. to
. Walgreens,
. I
. asked
. another
. pharmacist
. my
. question.
It turns out that the tops can be used upside down as another way to seal the bottle. The normal way is supposedly childproof, and the way I’ve done it in the photo below is not childproof. I think the non-childproof way is also meant for adults who may have issues trying to open the pills in the original photo.
So now we know!