Bruce’s Daily Routine

Bruce’s Daily Routine

These days I try to follow every step in my master routine list, as follows:

  • Lumosity – This is a special website where you can play over 50 challenging mental games.  I play them for about 30 minutes each morning, after breakfast.  Click!


  • Voice Training – To counter Parkinson’s soft voice, every day I do a series of voice exercises, where I speak aloud certain sounds, words and sentences, and get feedback from a software program that let’s me know the decibel levels of my verbal output.


  • Swallow Training – For these I do a series of exercises that help me build up my throat muscles, all to to counter the scary choking problem I have that could lead to aspiration pneumonia.  Here are the directions for the first of these drillls:  Hold your tongue tip between your front teeth and swallow your saliva without releasing the tongue position. 


  • Breathing Exercise – For these exercises, I use a device called “The Breather.”  Click!


  • Meditation – Transcendental meditation every day, just like the strapping young man in the photo above (except I usually wear a shirt in the winter). Click!


  • Book Reading – Right now my reading club is working our way through a collection of short stories from You’ve Got to Read This.  Click!


  • Back Exercises + Push-ups – To counter my recurring lower back problem.


  • Gym, Walking outdoors – When the weather is not bitter cold, I go for walks outdoors.  Otherwise, it’s time to hit the gym.


  • Health Diary – Every day I record how many meds I take and when, whether or not I have a coughing fit, and other info I’ll discuss with my doctors.


  • Blood Pressure – I record my blood pressure each day, once while sitting, then once while standing.


  • Neck Stretch – I rotate my head from side to side to counter the stiffness I sense, ever since my DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation) surgery.


  • Vitamin/Supplement – I swallow about 10 pills daily – Vitamin D, Cod Liver Oil, Ginkgo Biloba, etc.


  • Leg Strength Exercise – I’m back to riding 30 minutes on my spin bike, but not superfast, as I’ve got arthritis in my knee.


  • Paperwork on Desk – Have you done your taxes yet?


  • Piano – After a 35 year absence from playing piano, I resumed playing a few weeks ago.  I need to practice much more, but here’s an error-ridden sample from Bach:


  • Origami –  Like my piano playing, I need much more practice with origami.  This is a rough version of a cicada.

6 thoughts on “Bruce’s Daily Routine”

  1. You are an inspiration to us all! Facing all the tasks you have to do every day with aplomb. So happy you are back to playing the piano. Hats

  2. And you play the Bach piece beautifully! So much better than I ever did in my prime years of piano playing. Hats

  3. Hi Bruce,

    I am very impressed with all of your activities! Looks like I need to step up my game a bit. There are exercise classes in my community during the week that I participate in, but I need to do better on the weekends 🙂

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