New Year’s Wishes!
(the body parts sonnet)
Your heart has wished folks well on New Year’s Eve.
You’ve sung “Should old acquaintance be forgot…”
(Your brain recalled the right words – did it not?),
And felt deep in your gut all you’ll achieve
In the year ahead. You’ve mouthed the words
And eyed the prize you’re sure you’ll win within
The first few months. Oh, toe the line, begin
A diet, lend a hand…it sounds absurd
Because you’ve voiced this every year. But now
That you have Parkinson’s, you need to arm
Yourself much more, to hold at bay the harm
That Mr. P has slapped across your brow.
So, yes, you’ll face the facts, and double check
To work out, keep your chin up, save your neck.
Note: I first published this sonnet in 2016, but the message remains eternal. I hope everything goes well for everyone in the new decade!