The World Parkinson Congress is holding a song competition! You can either write an entirely new song (music + lyrics), or create new lyrics for an already written song (“The hills are alive, with folks cured of PD…“). The winning songs will be performed at the World Parkinson Congress next year in Kyoto, Japan, by the WPC Choir.
Here are the details. There are two categories:
- Original Song with lyrics
- Lyric Writing to a current song tune
Contest Rules and Guidelines:
- The contest is open to anyone with a personal connection to Parkinson’s. There are no age limits to qualify for entry.
- Multiple submissions are allowed. Each song must be submitted separately with its own entry.
- No submission material will be returned.
- The Song can either be an original melody and lyrics, or be original lyrics to a current song melody.
- All entries must not be in violation of any copyright laws, trademarks, intellectual property rights or basic ethical standards of amateur or professional songwriting. Any entry found to be in violation of the above or proven to be plagiarized in any way will be immediately disqualified. Furthermore, the WPC shall in no way be held liable for any such legal action that results from unlawful or restricted submissions.
- Lyrics must express the HOPE that research, medical teams, care givers, friends and family bring to those with Parkinson’s. Please include personal thoughts, perhaps the HOPE that the PD Flower (Tulip) represents, the HOPE in research and medical advances, the thankfulness of the PD community meeting in Japan – be creative.
- The song can be either for unison voices, or written for 2-part singing: Women & Men.
- The song length can be no more than 4 minutes in total length of performance.
- The song must include piano accompaniment and/or guitar chords. Additional instrumentation will be accepted.
- Applications must include an essay regarding your personal connection with Parkinson’s. Maximum of 400 words. Please double space.
- Applications must include a recording of the song. This does NOT need to be a professional recording.
- Entries may be submitted through our online submission process or post-marked via mail by June 30, 2018.
- Songs uploaded through the online submission system must be in one of the following formats: MP3, WAV, MOV, or MP4. All lyrics must be uploaded in one of the following file types: PDF, DOC, RTF.
- No revisions or alterations to the entry will be accepted once the contestant has completed the submission process.
- Entries will be judged on originality, melody, and lyrics.
Click here to enter your song(s)!
*Those submitting lyrics to existing songs must credit the original song and artist. It is not necessary to secure licensing at the time of entry.
Now you can get creative while you’re singing in the shower. Doesn’t everyone sing in the shower?
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