And now, on with the story!
Wake up, Parky 1, 2 and 3! It’s 5:30 a.m. and we’re in a motel in Ticonderoga, near the town of Hague where the race is. Granted, we drove up after work yesterday and didn’t arrive at the motel until almost midnight, but the race starts soon after dawn!
Here we are at the beach in Hague. The two yellow buoys on the far right are where our race will begin. The sun’s about to rise and it’s mighty cold – the temperature during the night was 46 degrees!
Group shot as we huddle together for warmth!
Here’s the race course. Three races will run simultaneously: a reasonable 2.5 kilometer (one loop), a challenging 5 kilometer (two loops), and a hardcore 10 kilometer (four loop-dee-loops).
Here the blue-capped 5 kilometer racers wait for their starting gun. I’m swimming the shorter distance and my race already started. I’ll say this much: the water was warmer than the air, and as you can see in this picture, it sparkled in the morning sun. Excuse me, the morning Parking Sun!
Here I come, charging out of the water as I approach the finish line! I had a great swim and now feel immortal! Parkinson’s, begone!
Whoa! Who’s waiting at the finish line alongside the three Parkys? My friend from high school, Melissa Rust. We were both on our high school swimming team in Mexico City back in the early 1970s! In fact, our school built the pool our junior year, and we were founding members on the school’s first swim team!
Our high school yearbook team photo. Background on this picture: The photographer wanted all the boys to stand in back and the girls to sit in front. I was co-captain of the team and said, “No, that’s ridiculous. We are the school’s only co-ed team, we’re all about fun and we like to mix things up.” So we moved around a bit before the photographer snapped the photo. I’m smack dab in the middle and it looks like I’m grimacing. Interestingly, I’m sitting on Melissa (to my right) and on Paula Allphin (to my left), both of whom have supported me on my Team Fox page!
And here’s the team I’m on now, at the end of the Lake George race: TNYA (Team New York Aquatics), New York City’s gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and friendly straight swim team, of which I am also a founding member, back when we formed the team in the 1980s. I’m kneeling on the far left. My husband, Yong, is standing in the blue T-shirt on the far right.
It’s been another glorious day of open water swimming at Lake George…
…and it marks the tail end of the summer swim season for me! See everybody next year!
Reminder! If you’d like to contribute to my Team Fox page, click here!
And if you’d like to buy your very own Parky the Raccoon, official mascot of the World Parkinson Congress, click here! All profits go directly to the World Parkinson Congress’ Travel Grants Fund, which helps bring junior researchers, junior clinicians and people living with Parkinson’s to the Congress.
To see photos of my swim across the Hudson River a few weeks ago, click here!
And how did I end up with three Parkys? Click here!
Hi Bruce,
I LOVE your photos and report on your events this summer!!! How wonderful that you are still in contact with some of your high school swim team members! What high school did you attend? Was there more than 1? My cousin grew up in Mexico City. He’s 63. Any chance you were there at the same time?
Thanks again for your efforts to raise funds for MJFF!!
Happy Tuesday!
I just loved this!!!! That is an amazing distance. And the lil’ Parkies are simply TOO CUTE!