Yesterday’s CBC News (in Canada) reported on Robyn Levy, a young woman with Parkinson’s who fights back through exercise and art. (She was also a fellow official blogger of the last World Parkinson Congress!)
From the article:
In the ten years that she’s battled Parkinson’s, she’s written a published book, taken up painting as a hobby, and become an avid swimmer.
She has also battled breast cancer; bonded more closely with her father, who also has PD; and remains upbeat. The Boston Globe and Mail claims that her book (Most of Me: Surviving My Medical Breakdown) is “The World’s Happiest Misery Memoir.”
In her own words:
“What I’m trying to do in my life now is not define myself or let Parkinson’s define who I am,” she said. “I’m just choosing to focus on other activities and family and friends … and learning how to impact and possibly change and hoping to reverse some of the symptoms — and that’s through [meditation] and reading and exercise and painting.”
The CBC News article also includes a great 23 minute audio recording about Robyn’s life, other people’s lives with PD, and about Parkinson’s in general.
Welcome to the Parkinson Pantheon, Robyn!
And here’s your book!