Lately my body’s been waging a war within itself. The two opponents are (1) the need to take another tablet of Sinemet (carbidopa-levodopa) because the effects are wearing off, and (2) my stomach, which is crying out for more food, more food, more food!
This week at work I documented the duel over one day, blow by blow. Here’s the rundown.
R = Ropinerole; S = Sinemet
4:15 –> Wake up.
4:30 –> Take R, S.
5:15 –> Eat breakfast: 2 eggs, large bowl of oatmeal, banana, coffee, skim milk.
5:45 –> Leave home for school.
6:45 –> Take S at school. Typing OK with both hands.
7:15 –> Very hungry. Crave protein. Eat large handful of almonds, large can of low-sodium V-8 juice, string cheese stick.
8:15 –> Typing with right hand is failing, cannot write well with pen.
8:30 –> Take R, S. Cannot type with right hand, nor write well at all. Right arm feels tingly-numb. I’m limping, too.
9:15 –> Very hungry. Crave protein. Eat cheese sandwich with multi-grain bread and spinach leaves. Right hand tremors sometimes. Feel lightheaded (from hunger? medicine? Parkinson’s?).
10:00 –> Hungry again.
10:30 –> Take S. My body is starting to get better (typing, writing, walking).
11:15 –> Eat lunch. Very hungry. Lunch: quinoa with ground beef, mushrooms, red pepper, tomatoes; 2% milk; apple. Finish eating at 11:45.
12:45 –> Take R, S. Hand is getting better but I’m also hungry again. Where’s that protein?
1:20 –> Eat another cheese sandwich with multi-grain bread and spinach leaves, plus large can of low-sodium V-8 juice. Ravenously hungry. Hand now OK. Walking’s fine. After eating, I feel great.
3:00 –> Take S. Hand is OK, I feel totally terrific. Typing at computer is smooth, swift and sure.
3:30 –> Leave school.
4:30 –> Arrive at gym. Hungry. Eat granola bar, string cheese stick; drink 2% low fat milk. At gym, do 60 minutes on the elliptical trainer.
6:00 –> Finish at gym, limping slightly. Take S.
7:00 –> Eat dinner: grilled chicken breast, salad (spinach + tomatoes).
8:30 –> Go to bed.
My gosh, Bruce. This is quite a drug/food regimen! It would be difficult for me to follow with as much discipline as you have.
I know. Every day I carry around a small notebook where I record these times, so I can make sure the Sinemet comes either one hour after or 30 minutes before food.
Have you tried coconut oil for fine motor help with typing?
Thanks for the suggestion, William. I’ll look into it!
My 87 year-old husband , Larry, was diagnosed with PD 1/1/2 years ago. It doesn’t seem to have progressed very much; however, six months ago this voracious hunger began – just as you described! Been to a number of docs; no one has had a patient come to them with this problem and they have been as stymied as we’ve been. In Aug. he switched to a nurse practitioner who just found this blog. How helpful to know he’s not just crazy! Your blog is from 2016, so are you still struggling with the eating? Or have you found a way to manage more comfortably? IF so, what are you doing differently? Best to you and thanks! – Sue