I came down with a bad cold two weeks ago, and it’s still lingering in my lungs. If I take a deep breath, I can’t resist the urge to cough. A few days ago I went to the gym because I wanted to work out, and that seemed to exacerbate the problem.
Even just lying down on my back makes me want to cough.
What’s most upsetting is that I had to miss competing in some swim races last weekend, and may also have to miss another swim event next weekend, a 2.5 kilometer open water competition in the Hudson River up at Poughkeepsie.
This Memorial Day weekend I’ve mostly eaten, slept, eaten, slept, and slept.
Update: Tuesday, May 31
I still have congested lungs and cough easily if I take a deep breath. It’s annoying.
I also sense that because I haven’t worked out for two weeks, I’m needing an extra hit of Sinemet at the end of the day. I could be wrong about this, and will watch myself over the next few days to confirm.
If you read some of the Physical Exercise posts in the Parking Suns archive, you’ll find many cases where Parkies cut back on their medications once they were exercising a lot. I wish the same for myself.
Sorry to read that you have been sick. I’m hoping that all is well with you by now!