Welcome to the Parkinson Pantheon!

I’ve decided to create yet another category for this Parking Suns blog site:  the Parkinson Pantheon.  It will feature stories and news items about Parkies who are pushing the boundaries in some way, especially through physical exercise.  It’s amazing to read what they’re doing; they inspire me to do more myself.

Here’s a perfect example:  Allison Toepperwein, who has Young Onset Parkinson’s, pushes herself physically and is entering the American Ninja Warrior contest, whatever that is.  (I don’t watch TV.)  Here’s her video entry:

It’s so amazing!  Just watching her video makes me want to log off my goshdarn laptop and head to the gym *and* the pool!

Here’s a link to her story, as reported by the National Parkinson Foundation.

Choice except:

After I was diagnosed, I was put on the trifecta of PD drugs: Azilect, Mirapex and Sinemet.  Then I read how exercise was THE ONLY THING proven to slow the progression of PD.  So, I began training much harder than I ever had.  I began going to my local track and running up to a mile at a fast sprint.  I walked the bleachers, working my way up to three sets of 10 to strengthen my core.  Bleachers were tricky at first because of my balance problems, but by repeatedly sticking to my routine, balance became less of an issue.

I eventually worked up to a 400-meter sprint, finishing only 10 seconds slower than my high school time!

Want to read about more people whom I’m placing in the Parkinson Pantheon?  Click here, and tally ho!

1 thought on “Welcome to the Parkinson Pantheon!”

  1. I love this new section!! Allison is, indeed, an inspiration and a motivation to keep exercising – even if the couch is calling loudly! This happens less often now, but more than I’d like.

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