Parky the Raccoon may be relaxing in the northern temperate zone’s spring foliage, but for the rest of us, things are moving quickly as the dates for the World Parkinson Congress in Portland, Oregon, approach (Sept. 20-23). Here are some upcoming deadlines and related items to check out:
May 1: Deadline to submit your entry in the video competition. Help raise awareness about living with Parkinson’s disease! Submit a 3 minute 30 second video about your life with PD! For details, click here: bingo!
May 5: Deadline to submit an abstract for a poster, including posters about living with PD. For details, click here: bingo!
July 5: End of the early registration discount period! Register now so you don’t forget! To start the process, click here: bingo!
July 5: Deadline to sign up for the Parkinson’s Buddies Program (optional). When you register for the Congress, you can also register to have the WPC hook you up before the Congress with someone else who’ll be traveling to Portland, too. You can email your buddy, then meet her/him once you arrive in Portland. Instant new friend! For more info: bingo!
Anytime, but sooner rather than later: Hotel rooms at discounted rates are still available, but they’re filling up fast. Book your room when you register for the Congress! For more info, click here: bingo!
Anytime: There’s a raft of related events in Portland, starting Saturday, Sept. 17. Check them out here: bingo!
Anytime: Listen to the Portland Countdown podcasts, hosted by two experienced journalists with PD, Dave Iverson and Jon Palfreman. Bingo!
Para las personas que hablan español, haga clic aquí: ¡Bingo!
By the way, in case you missed it, this video of Portland “then and now” has been circulating on Facebook and elsewhere recently. Get yourself in the mood for this great city by catching up on its history!
And it looks like Parky will be the “Big Man on Campus” in Portland. To see why, click one more time: BINGO!!!
Remember, you can buy your own Parky, the official World Parkinson Congress mascot, here! All profits go to the WPC Travel Grants Program, which helps a junior researcher or person with Parkinson’s disease to attend the World Parkinson Congress 2016 in Portland, Oregon!