I won’t name the piece or the artist, but instead invite you to study the art and post a comment addressing one or more of these questions:
- What is going on in this picture?
- What do you see in the picture?
- What does it make you think of?
- What observations can you make?
Note: To embiggen the image, click on it!
Thank you for posting this picture of some place I’d like to be right now! Not cold and rainy like it’s been all week where I live!!!
My two observations are that something is unusual because there’s only one human in the picture. Where are the rest of the villagers? Off to the beach? No doubt! That’s the ocean in the background, right?
My second observation is that as people have said before on this site, the sun is in its usual location, off to the left of the frame! Why is this often so? Why?
Have a nice weekend! Thank you !!!
One observation is that the person sitting so upright in the middle of the picture is almost directly underneath the upright tower in the background.
And yes, why are there no other people? Why is this person all alone? In the sunlight?
Where I want to go for Spring Break. !! And so where is this place???!!!
It’s unusual for me to see this well-constructed village on a hill or mountain overlooking the sea, and in the stone wall that the woman’s sitting on there’s an arch built into it behind her that looks like its purpose is to let water flow through. OR maybe it’s a walkway? It’s curious.
I agree, where are the other people in this town?
I always enjoy visiting these old villages built chock-a-block on mountainsides like this. That could be me sitting on that wall there!
This picture has a strange lack of color. Is it because the sun is so strong and the heat high? And is the ground arid?
Also the brightest spot in the painting, the spot where the eye gets drawn to, is the shimmering white wall below the church steeple, reflecting the sun. The curving path through this town entices the viewer’s eye to go around the bend and end up at that white wall.
I also see that the person (man or woman, I can’t tell) who is sitting on the wall in the foreground has splashes of the same bright white on his/her clothing.
This is definitely a spot I would like to visit as a tourist. I wonder what the cuisine is there. Seafood, most likely.
I think the person sitting on the wall is happy, but I cannot know for sure. I’m basing this on the sun and the person’s posture, and possibly on my own emotional reaction to the scene. I can’t see details on the person’s face.
Isn’t that strange?!!