I won’t name the piece or the artist, but instead invite you to study the art and post a comment addressing one or more of these questions:
- What is going on in this picture?
- What do you see in the picture?
- What does it make you think of?
- What observations can you make?
Note: To embiggen the image, click on it!
Well, goodness! I have a New Year’s Eve hangover, and this picture is like how I’m feeling! The lights are too bright and it’s difficult to focus on the figures in the painting. They’re blurry along with the rest of my vision! Champaign, wine coolers and beer! Not a good combo! It’s a pretty picture, though, even with the intense colors that are knocking my eyes oout of their sockets!!!!!
Hi and Happy New Year!
Thank you for posting this painting. I agree with Gabby that it is a little difficult to see what is actually going on with the humans at the bottom of the picture. But it is a smashing blue for much of the painting. And the sun is shooting out a white beam up and to the right.
Thank you!!
I like the idea that someone posted a few weeks ago, about folding the picture into quarters and examining what each quarter contains. In this case with this picture which is mostly blue and brown, I see that if you fold the picture diagonally to make a crease from the upper left corner to the lower right, you’d see that the triangle that comprises the lower left half of the picture is mostly blue. The other half (that is, the triangle in the upper right corner) is mostly brown.
This is a very blue and brown picture, although when I first looked at it I was confused by the imprecise detailing and general craziness of color, shape and pattern.
Pleasant color combination (basically brown/tan and intense blue), but the lack of clarity with the human figures makes it confusing and enigmatic. This is one of those pictures where you need at least the title to help figure it out. But I repeat; nice colors for the new year.
I think the human figures in the painting are beside the point. Something magical is going on with the sun peeking over the mountain ridge and shattering the big blue shadow below it.
Maybe the people will benefit somehow. But that’s secondary.
Has everyone noticed that there is a village or town across the lake?
The humans in the foreground may be indistinct, but they’re painted with a lot of red.