Science journalist Jon Palfreman just published a book, Brain Storms, in which he reviews the latest research to understand and find a cure for Parkinson’s disease. And as a fellow Parkie, he talks about how it feels to have the disease.
I haven’t read the book yet, but did read this review.
My take-away from the review is two-fold: (1) scientists may be on the verge of understanding what’s going on in our brains when we get PD and may soon develop drugs to slow or reverse the condition, and (2) until then, the best thing Parkies can do is exercise.
Look how many times Palfreman uses the word much in this review excerpt (bolding mine):
Palfreman says there are other things people with Parkinson’s can do to control the disease.
“The one thing which really everybody should do is regular exercise because people who do exercise and stay mobile, they do much, much, much better than people who withdraw or give up,” Palfreman says.
Palfreman also wrote a recent article for the NY Times: “The Bright Side of Parkinson’s.” It presents a positive outlook on PD and has a terrific illustration.
I’d write more but I have to get back to exercising.
I may buy the book on Amazon….