So study the picture, and leave your reflections below!
Throwback Thursdays Art
Every Thursday, as part of my personal “enriched environment” initiative, I post a piece of art, usually from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which recently released online some 400,000 high-resolution images of its collection. I won’t name the piece or the artist, but instead invite you to study the image and write a comment about what you see or what it makes you think of. All images will have a sun (or sunlight) in them somewhere.
I can’t decide if this is spring or fall. The red tree on the right signals a fall maple to me. But the fresh green leaves coming in on the left suggest spring. The lighting (the sunlight) seems like intense spring sunlight – I don’t know why. Ultimately I say Spring gets my vote. I enjoy staring at your artwork and thinking about what I see. I wish there was more of this online – and that more viewers wrote in their own comments. Thank you, anyway.
I’m so ready for this picture after our awful winter this year. It remindds me of the Frost poem elseewhere on this site, it had cows munching on a lawn and sun bouncing off a hillside, just like this. The more I look at it the lighter I feel. It’s a simple painting and yet….I notice there’s a thick line of shadow that runs from the center of the pic and gets thickeer as it gets closer to the viewer, and right at the bottom off the picture , closest to the viewer, is shadow once again. Is this morbid? Maybe not such a light pic after all!!!