So study the picture, and leave your “reflections” below!
Throwback Thursdays Art
Every Thursday, as part of my personal “enriched environment” initiative, I post a piece of art, usually from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which recently released online some 400,000 high-resolution images of its collection. I won’t name the piece or the artist, but instead invite you to study the image and write a comment about what you see or what it makes you think of. All images will have a sun (or sunlight) in them somewhere.
Hi. 1st time comment. Great site. Great photo because it’s so bothersome. I love the power line coming down at an angle in the top left. That says it all. Everything seems an off-kilter angle. The tall building in the background looks like it’s leaning to the left. At least a little. The row houses on both sides are angling down in a V or a valley. The car in front leans to the right. The license plate is not squarely in the middle of the picture. Everything is angled, off kilter, catastrophic, brutally harsh. Do you feel this way with your PD? Then there’s the bright ball of sun, reflected in the far back. And the one human being, engulfed.
Okay so the guy who took this shot back in the 1970’s was using a kodAk instamatic with the flash cube and he should of stepped a little to the left because the building in the bAckground caught the flash cube reflection. Used to happen all the time to my grandma and then my grandpa would scream at her that she ruined the picture!!!!