So study the picture, and leave your reflections below!
Throwback Thursdays Art
Every Thursday, as part of my personal “enriched environment” initiative, I post a piece of art, usually from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which recently released online some 400,000 high-resolution images of its collection. I won’t name the piece or the artist, but instead invite you to study the image and write a comment about what you see or what it makes you think of. All images will have a sun (or sunlight) in them somewhere.
I think it’s weird that the crows have hair coming out of their beaks. The hair resembles the squiggly calligraphy on the left . Some of the calligraphy could be bugs that the crows are trying to eat. All three crows have their mouths open. They look startled. The sun behind them is like a huge afterthought. It has skin like an orange. I love this painting.
It’s demonic and the Japanese writing is loopy. Along with the curvy red seal in the lower left corner.
A crowd of clowning crows crowed. No clouds.
Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds”!