So study the picture, and leave your reflections below!
Throwback Thursdays Art
Every Thursday, as part of my personal “enriched environment” initiative, I post a piece of art, usually from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which recently released online some 400,000 high-resolution images of its collection. I won’t name the piece or the artist, but instead invite you to study the image and write a comment about what you see or what it makes you think of. All images will have a sun (or sunlight) in them somewhere.
women working in the dark….again! except for one, a thinker.
OK, women working in the dark. Planting seeds or weeding in this light would give me a headache. But look, look at the woman who is standing and staring at the sinking sun. Over her showlder is a sliver of moon. That is no coincidence. I wonder if the women’s heads and sometimes faces are covered because religious reasons or to keep the sun off. Good question.
what are these people planting? how can they tend the plants without squashing them as they walk and kneel down? is the standing woman pregnant? what is in the bundle in front of her and isn’t it squashing the plants? interestng how the sky above is light and the earth below is dark, also the women’s tops are light colored and their skirts are dark = parallel situations. there are smaller women in the distance on the right. the sun is setting on the horizon and all of the women are positioned so that their heads are closer to the sun than the rest of their body. except for the standing woman.
Such a big field to attend to and just a few women to do the job . Was the painter man or woman?