Lately I’ve been suffering from dry mouth at work and, I sense, a resultant softer voice. (Dry mouth is an under-reported PD symptom; soft voice is not.)
Why is my mouth dry at work? Because I drink caffeine all day. Coffee, green tea, black tea. Sip, sip, sip.
Why do I drink so much caffeine? Because my alarm goes off at 4:15 a.m. on weekdays. I need the energy.
Why does my alarm go off at 4:15? Because I like to get to work early.
How can I counter dry mouth?
- Drink less caffeine. (But then I’d be drowsy…)
- Get more sleep so I’m not so tired. (But it’s hard to get to bed before 10:00 p.m. when I’m obsessed with writing this blog…)
- Drink pure water with lemon squeezed in it, which an actor friend told me about.
Today I tried #3 and it seemed to work fine. The pipes stayed lubricated.
Case closed!
This is a lot to think about. Thank you for you’re insights and energy!