My all-time favorite article about Parkinson’s disease (Have You Lost Your Mind?) mentions that people with PD can remain cognitively brilliant in some areas (the article, written by a guy with PD, is dazzling), but they become deficient in something called executive function, which is defined as analyzing a situation and your options and making a decision.
I’m not quite sure what to do about that, but frankly speaking, have you ever been to an executive function? Yawn! A lot of stiff-limbed, self-satisfied corporate honchos standing around in expensive suits, sipping drinks as if their mouths were full of marbles, babbling pointless blather.
Phooey on executive functions! Give me the crazy parties of my youth! Crisco Disco at 5:00 a.m. on a Saturday night. Marc Berkley’s Limelight parties on any Wednesday evening in the 1990s. Studio 54 the night Diana Ross and Liza Minnelli were cavorting on the bridge over the dance floor and they stopped the dj, grabbed a mic and tried to sing a duet. It was like an elephant trumpeting and chipmunk squeaking, and the crowd roared in adoration.
I don’t need executive functions!
Another funny post. Thank you for pointing out that cognition loss is selective for people like me with PD. I wonder if there’s a difference for young people with Parkinson’s vs. old people??? I’m Young Onset.
What about Mars on Sunday nights, Mars Needs Men…