But wait…I must be careful how I run because I have a bone spur in my Achilles tendon. (Side question: Does anyone with Parkinson’s disease not have additional health issues? … ? … Didn’t think so.)
A year ago I was coached in Central Park on my form. Here’s the “before” video at the start of the session. Note my lousy posture, drooping right arm, and the plodding way I land heel first. Recipe for further injury! (You may need to embiggen the video to see what I mean.)
Here’s the “after” video. I have better, more upright posture. My feet land mid-sole then settle back on the heel. My arms are raised and pumping. (My right arm, affected by Parkinson’s, doesn’t pump as much but it’s better than the “before” shot.)
OK, let me keep this in mind, and let’s go running!
Note: I was coached by Doug Joachim. Check out his website here.
Doug also recommended the following exercise: Keep your big toes on the floor while lifting the other toes up. Then lift the big toes while keeping the little toes down. It’s fascinating, fun, and challenging at first.
Wish I could still do that
Looking good in the 2nd vid. You don’t look 62, either. I mostlly do stair climber at the gym. I sweat like a pig in July, but who cares? I use my towel to wipe up the sweat on the machine and the puddles on the floor. Peeling off fmy gym clothes is a bigger challengge when they’re drenched with sweat, however. That’s one time when I’m really aware I’m a Parkie.